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Something else was there too, inside my brain, urging me to not back out. “You need this,” it whispered, so quietly I wasn’t even sure I’d heard it. But it was there, subconsciously changing my outlook on such a daunting prize...

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hello there.

I’m Julia,
YOUR NEW boudoir empowerment FRIEND

Besides being the founder and creative mind here at Chestnut Artistry & Design. I am a Mom, wife, daughter, daughter-in-law, best friend, and artist. 

Around here, we celebrate the fact that we are imperfect just like you. We welcome your mess, and we will unpack ours too. No matter what part of this experience you are afraid of--you are totally ready for this experience right now, just as you are.
I love inspiring women to shamelessly celebrate themselves.
I believe every woman deserves to be celebrated.
I aspire to redefine the narrative for women to celebrate their truths and reconnect to their beauty.

coffee enthusiast, photographer, CREATIVE,

ready to indulge in the experience?

You Deserve to experience your own intimate awakening AND FEEL BEAUTIFUL.

Get in touch for your own boudoir photoshoot at our studio located in the city of Deland, FL. 

1.5 hours South of Jacksonville, Florida and 20 minutes West of Daytona Beach.

Join us in our


Stay up to date with me in the private, women-only Facebook group. We are over 3.5k women strong and proud of the amazing community we have built there.

Check out my