You have probably heard of the term “Boudoir Session”…but who is boudoir photography for?
I have worked for years to build a boudoir business that meets you where you are. My entire team lives and breathes that same mission. Our experiences aren’t about the woman you think the world wants you to be, the woman you used to be, the woman you wish you could be…they are about the woman you are, because she is beautiful and so very deserving of love.
One of the biggest misconceptions about boudoir is that you have to have the *perfect* body, the perfect financial situation, the perfect significant other to gift images to, and be able to look at yourself in the mirror and see zero flaws. …WRONG. I’ve never *ever* photographed a client who saw zero flaws in the mirror. Boudoir is about showing up, allowing yourself to be open and vulnerable to this incredibly intimate experience, and owning who you are. If you wait until the day you think you are perfect, you are going to wait the rest of your life and this opportunity will pass you by.
Your imperfections are welcome here, your brokenness is welcome here, your quirks are welcome here, your fear/doubt/timidness is welcome here. I will meet you where you are, and together we will create art that reminds you that no matter where you are in your journey–you are worthy, beautiful, and capable of facing your life head on. You can’t afford NOT to have this experience.
A great gift for your husband/boyfriend/significant other!
One of my favorite surprises to plan with you and the priceless look on their face when they open the gift.
An unforgettable and sexy gift for your wedding day!
You have worked tirelessly to get the perfect wedding together, so treat yourself (and your SO ) to an experience like no other. It’s a WIN-WIN for both of you!
Celebrate milestones!
Are you having a birthday, upcoming anniversary, or did you land yourself a dream job? Use a boudoir session as a moment to document this new woman and celebrate who she was, is, and will become!
You love yourself!
Don’t see your “why” in any of the scenarios above? That’s ok!! Do it because you WANT TO!
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