Committing to a boudoir photography experience for yourself | Daytona Beach, FL

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Founder of Chestnut Artistry & Design.
Julia's mission it to transform everyday women through an impactful boudoir photoshoot experience. Learn more about Julia and how she is giving women their power back here.


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Hi, I'm Julia

Committing to a boudoir photography experience for yourself.

boudoir photography in Daytona Beach, FL

Shoulder deep. That is how committed you have to be. You have to be willing to totally surrender– no matter what that means. You have to be invested in transformation, no matter how uncomfortable the journey. You have to deeply trust my process, how I do things, how I pose, what I’m asking of you. I’ve been shoulder deep in this business for years…ALL IN. I wake up each day 10000% committed to helping women realize their worth, their beauty, their potential.

All you have to do to be ready for this experience, is decide to get shoulder deep in it. Seriously, lean in to the fear even when it threatens to drown you. Set aside your fears, your doubts, your grief, your insecurities…all the shit that holds you back from experiencing life in a BIG way, and pick UP the DECISION to commit, to surrender, to immerse yourself in this process.

That’s it. You don’t have to lose weight, you don’t need to get surgery, you don’t have to have someone to give the images to, you don’t need to have tons of money, you don’t have to CHANGE anything about yourself.

Once you make the CHOICE–the choice to dig DEEP, let it all go and cut ties with your excuses, nothing else will get in your way. Not money, not time, not distance. How do I know?

Because, as we all know well:

Nothing can stop a woman who has made up her mind.

boudoir photography in Daytona Beach, FL

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