Outdoor Boudoir Experience | Jacksonville, FL

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Founder of Chestnut Artistry & Design.
Julia's mission it to transform everyday women through an impactful boudoir photoshoot experience. Learn more about Julia and how she is giving women their power back here.


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Hi, I'm Julia

A first time for everything…

Would you believe me if I told you this woman has NEVER had a shoot of her very own?! ⁠ ⁠ Busy mom life, being a home-maker, a full time student, and working a full time job? Miss M can seriously do it all and still make time for herself in between.⁠ ….⁠ So why can’t you?⁠ ….⁠ Let me show you what being the super woman you are looks like. Let me capture your truth that you don’t get to see in the mirror every day or perhaps even FEEL.⁠ ….⁠ When will you decide to give yourself the choice of embracing yourself for the day?⁠

To book your own boudoir experience, contact me here.

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jacksonville florida boudoir

jacksonville florida boudoir

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Something else was there too, inside my brain, urging me to not back out. “You need this,” it whispered, so quietly I wasn’t even sure I’d heard it. But it was there, subconsciously changing my outlook on such a daunting prize...

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